Supported by an National Science Foundation research grant, DELTA Lab graduate student Dorothy Carter is currently working with Dr. Chollet at the Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM) in Grenoble, France. The grant project, “Innovate Against Time: Drivers and Mechanisms of Knowledge Innovation Within and Across Organizations,” supports a interdisciplinary, collaborative effort to examine antecedents of effectiveness in globally distributed, multi-team systems.
Throughout the spring 2012 semester, teams of business students at GEM are working with teams of psychology and ecology students at George Mason University to develop an innovative solution to an environmental problem. Dorothy, who works under the advisement of Dr. Leslie DeChurch, is currently assisting with France-specific aspects of the project while collaborating with research partners at Georgia Tech, George Mason University, and University of Central Florida.
Visit Dorothy’s travel blog to read more about her exciting research experience:
The INGRoup newsletter recently featured a piece on the international experience of another DELTA Lab member, Raquel Asencio Hodge, during her earlier visit to GEM. Read Raquel’s firsthand account in the February 2012 issue of the INGRoup newsletter: